Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kenifra to Argbala - Day 132

Date: December 28th, 2009
Distance: Cheating by tranzi!
Country: Morocco
Song of the Day: Cold December - Matt Costa

Took the final "tranzi" to my cousin's site. The tranzi is a bigger than a van, but smaller than a bus. Also, they use wood planks between the seats to cram more people in.

Argbala (probably "Arhbala" on maps) is an interesting place. It is a small town with dirt roads. Actually, dirt. It had rained a couple of days before so there was still a lot mud around around. The buildings were mostly concrete and cinder block. But there are a few houses still built out of the traditional mud construction. So it looks like what you would traditionaly think of as a third world village.

There is what I thought was a paved sidewalk near my cousin's house. It turns out that is just the cover for a storm drain.

This isn't exactly the stone age however. They have running water and some kind of sewage system (don't ask me where it goes though...). Plus the buildings are wired for electricity. So you get lights and one outlet per room. There is also a cyber in town, which is why you are getting this message.

Oh, they also have a post office. Which is good because both our folks have sent us some stuff. So we had a little Christmas party a couple days late. Thanks for the gifts!


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