Monday, December 28, 2009

Rabat - Day 129

Date: December 25th, 2009
Distance: None
Country: Morocco
Song of the Day: Let Me Sleep - Pearl Jam

This Christmas has been nothing like any of the others I have ever had. It wasn't bad in any way. Just... different. I did have family around, thanks to my cousin. But there was no tree, or stockings or presents.

I did spend a lot of time thinking about the people who had helped me out along the way. From the guys I met my first week in Iceland. To my mates Dasha and Jay in London. Or my great aunt and uncle in St. Neots. This includes their entire family, like Mike and Jeannie who I stayed with in Gosport and Alex and Zaheer who I stayed with in Paris. There was also the Waterloo street gang in Essen. And the fantastic family who took me in on a cold night in Maulbronn. There was also Zoe who was my site seeing buddy in Rome. Or Andrew, Mohamed and David from Marseilles. And Tim who I rode with through half of Spain. Plus dozens of other people I have met along the way. Finally to my cousin Allen who I have been staying with here in Rabat.

I guess I would say that despite being far from home this year, I have felt so welcome in so many places I am just thankful to everyone who has made my journey just that much better. That has been the what has made this adventure so wonderful. So to all, Merry Christmas!



  1. Merry Christmas My Friend. Found out about your journey from Joe and Debbi. Read it all to this point so I am all caught up. Stay safe, have a blast and I look forward to catching up wit you when you get state side...

  2. Hi Buddy, good to hear from you. Yeah, I will stay safe as best I can. See you when I get back.
