Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bissau - Day 205

Date: March 11th, 2010
Distance: None
Country: Bissau

My missions for the day were to find a cyber cafe and an embassy for Mali, if there even was one here. I only barely succeeded at one of them. After walking around all morning, I gave up on finding an embassy. I don't think there is one for Mali in Bissau.

My next plan was to find some internet. The first cyber cafe I found had no internet connection. The next one wouldn't let me plug in my laptop. I don't know why. Sure, they let you plug in any USB stick, by a laptop, no way. Annoying. After wandering for an hour I found a third place to try. I couldn't get a connection to come up for that either. Argh. Finally I did find a super expensive way to connect. I sat in the lobby of an expensive hotel and used their wi-fi for $2 an hour. Ugh.

All in all, not a successful day.


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