Friday, October 2, 2009

Grandcamp-Maisy to Bayeux - Day 44

Date: October 1st, 2009
46 km
Country: France
Song of the Day: Fight or Fall - Thin Lizzy

This morning went to the Ranger museum in Grandcamp. It tells the story of the 2nd Range battalion, and their struggle for Point du Hoc. After that I rode up to Point du Hoc. It is a really impressive place to see. It is littered with bomb craters and German bunkers. It still appears pretty much the way it would have during the war. For the Rangers who climbed up the cliffs and fought there, I have nothing but the utmost respect.

From there I rode down the coast to Omaha beach. There isn't much left on the beach to remind you of what happened. The bluffs still loom over the shore, but the sea is peaceful. The obstacles and barbed wire have been cleared. The Mulberry harbor is gone. Part of one pontoon is still stuck in the sand. At low tide the ships sunk to be part of the breakwater are supposed to be visable, but I didn't see anything. There are markers around to tell the story. There is also a National Guard memorial built on top of a pillbox. But for the most part it is once again a quiet sandy beach.

I did see one thing that did get me thinking. I am not sure if it is in bad taste. It was just a simple sign, and probably a bad translation. I just couldn't help but think that if that sign was there 65 years ago, a lot of young men would have grown up to be old men.

I also went to the US cemetery at Normandy. It is very impressive and humbling. Just simple rows of crosses and stars. Then again maybe it is the order of the markers juxtoposing the randomness of death in war that makes it so powerful. There is a visitor center there well worth visiting. It has videos and tributes which are done very well. The family was given a choice to bring the body home. In one of the videos someone was describing why the had intured their brother in France. The reason was "because he earned that land."

Anyway, I didn't want to get too somber. So I will finish up with a little bit of the lighter side. I headed inland toward Bayeux to find a camping spot. (Which I did, for free! Thank you nice French lady, that I didn't understand at all.) From there I wanted to find some dinner and I promissed that anyone that had wi-fi, I would eat dinner there. Well, I found a restaraunt that had wi-fi. Any guesses? Well, it was McDonald's. Yep, that is right, I went to France and I am eating a BigMac as I write this. Good times.


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