Tuesday, September 22, 2009

St. Neots to London - Day 33

Date: September 20th, 2009
Distance: 64 miles
Country: England
Song of the Day: Superman - R.E.M.

Wow, I cannot believe it has been a week since I got here. I have been having such a great time at Fen End Farm. Really my great uncle is a very wonderful guy. Meeting his wife and kids and grandkids has been really great. Luckily they seemed to enjoy my company as much as I enjoyed theirs. A big thanks to the whole family. I had a fantastic time.

I woke up early and went to church with my great uncle. It was a high church service, or as he calls it "smells and bells". The C of E version is a bit different from the Episcopal version I am used, but I was able to muddle through. The church itself, St. Mary the Virgin Eynesbury, is quite old and pretty. Though like many other local churches it needs a new roof.

From there it was back to the farm. I had some last minute laundry to do. Then I had to pack everything up again. I said goodbye to the family and was off.

Being back on the bike after the week off felt good. But I didn't get on the road until after 3:00. So I wanted to hurry, which didn't help. I was hoping to get to London before the sun went down. Riding through the countryside is still a bit of a challenge. The road signs don't always list the town you want to go too. They also only list the next couple of villages.

Finally I got to the town of Ware and took the same canal path back into London. Really it is a nice way to get into and out of the city. Sadly it did get dark before I could get there. In addition I got a flat on the way in. Really not cool. That was my last tube. I was able to get it replaced okay, but that was just more time wasted.

I did get into town and met up with Jay. Dropped my stuff off at his place and had a quick shower. From there we went out to a pub with a couple of friends of his. They had to leave early and get to work though. So he took me out to a 24 hour bagel shop on Brick Lane. Epic. I was able to get dinner (minus a drink) for less than 2 pounds. If you want to save some money I suggest it.

After that it was time for bed. We headed back to Jay's place for some shut eye.



  1. You've got a good patch kit right? I gotta imagine you're going to go through more than a few tubes on this trip....

  2. Actually, I never liked patches. They seemed to work in an inversely asymptotic relationship to your distance to a bike shop. So if you get a flat within 20 of a place to buy a new tube it is almost guaranteed to work. But if you are 30 miles away, well you are just screwed.
