Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tiznit to Rabat - Day 159

Date: January 24th, 2010
Distance: 16 hours by bus
Country: Morocco
Song of the Day: We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister

It has been one hell of a day. Woke up, had my simple breakfast of O.J. and bread. Then went out to get a bus. The morning bus to Casa had already left, so I had to wait until 5:00 PM to catch the next one. That was okay as it did give me the time I need to get some passport photos. (One of the requirements for a Mauritanian visa.)

At 5:00 I got on my bus and spent the next 16 or so hours trying to sleep, or at least keep my mind occupied. After the sunset there wasn't much to see. It did get far to interesting later on. I was trying to sleep when the baggage man for the bus came over to sit by me. Not really what I wanted, but I wasn't going to be rude. He started talking, most of which I didn't understand. Then he started pointing things out in the dark. That is when he tried to put his hand on my crotch. While leaning over and pointing out the window with one hand, he moved the other one onto my lap. At first I was just confused, thinking maybe it was an accident or a cultural difference I didn't realize. (Men walk hand in hand down the street all the time.) But then I realized this was stupid. First, this isn't a "whoops" area. I am never going to accidentally drop my hand in another guy's lap. Second, it made me very uncomfortable, at that point culture be damned. When someone makes you uncomforatble, it is your right and duty to be upset and play the ugly American. So I stood up and shooed the guy away. I suppose I should have really yelled at him, but I really didn't know how to stay "don't touch my penis" in French or Arabic. (It is surprising that this is left out of most phrase books...) No real harm done though, it just made the trip a little more disturbing. For all of you out there in internet land, remember, if someone crosses that line, do something about it.

After that I was quite happy to switch buses in Casa, even though it was about 6:00AM and I hadn't slept much. The bus from Casa to Rabat was much quieter and I arrived just as the sun was coming up.



  1. In case it happens again, the French is "ne touchez pas" for "don't touch" and if you want to say "penis" just call it your banane. That's totally cool slang according to Google.
