Monday, July 5, 2010

Buhoma - Day 310

Date: June 24th, 2010
Distance: None
Country: Uganda
Song of the Day: Butterflies and Hurricanes - Muse

I woke up today and my wrist was actually feeling a lot better. I didn't want to try riding around on it, but I figured another day and I would be good to go. So I decided to actually enjoy the park for a bit.

I spent the morning walking around the park. No, I didn't see any gorillas. There were lots of birds though. My favorite thing was all the colorful insect life around. You can't go around without being surrounded by butterflies. They come in all sorts of amazing colors. Big ones that range in color from blue to violet. Little yellow and white ones that flutter to fast to get a picture. Plus tons of medium sized orange and black ones.

In the afternoon I went and saw a performance by the local orphanage. The kids were singing and dancing to loud drumming. At points I thought the kids drummer were actually trying to put holes in the drum heads with their sticks. It was very cute to see. I didn't really understand any of the singing, but it was quite nice.

Since my hand was feeling better, the next part was to figure out how to get out of Buhoma. I was told to go talk to Evelyn, a lady I had met the day before. She works for the Batwa Development Program. It was started to help the local Batwa people who were kicked out of their ancestral land when Bwindi became a UNESCO site in the 90s. Beside that though she also helps to run Ride for a Woman. A program that rents tourists mountain bikes and the profits go to help women in the community. So I wanted to talk with her about riding through the park. She said she didn't know all the rules, but would go with me the following day to the Ugandan Wildlife Authority office to work it out.


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